At our specialized used import car dealership, we prioritize the highest standards of roadworthiness for every vehicle in our inventory. To ensure this, we go the extra mile by subjecting each vehicle to an MOT test immediately before registration with the DVLA. While this means that a full year's MOT is not provided at the point of sale, it guarantees that you are purchasing an advisory-free vehicle that meets the stringent requirements for roadworthiness in the UK.

The significance of ensuring that a vehicle has a valid MOT cannot be overstated. An MOT test is a critical assessment of a vehicle's safety, emissions, and roadworthiness, and driving a vehicle without a valid MOT can have serious implications. Not only does it pose safety risks for the driver and other road users, but it also exposes the driver to potential legal consequences and penalties.

Our commitment to conducting an MOT test before registration with the DVLA reflects our dedication to providing our customers with the assurance that they are investing in a Japanese import vehicle that has undergone thorough inspection and meets the necessary roadworthiness standards. This proactive approach sets us apart from many competitors and underscores our unwavering commitment to offering vehicles of the highest quality and safety.

When you choose one of our Japanese family car options, you can trust that it has been meticulously inspected and is free of advisories, ensuring that you can drive with confidence and peace of mind. Our attention to detail in ensuring the roadworthiness of our vehicles reflects our commitment to exceeding the expectations of our customers and providing them with vehicles that meet the highest standards of safety and reliability.


In summary, our practice of subjecting every vehicle to an MOT test before registration with the DVLA ensures that you are purchasing an advisory-free vehicle that meets the highest standards of roadworthiness. When you choose a vehicle from our specialized used import car dealership, you can be confident that it has been thoroughly inspected and is ready to meet the demands of the road, providing you with the peace of mind and reassurance you deserve, while also avoiding the potential safety risks and legal consequences associated with driving a vehicle without a valid MOT.

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